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Do Bike Cyclist  belong on the Road?


    I don’t think this is going to score points with a few of you, but hear me out first! I  don’t feel bicyclist belong on our streets for several reasons, they are not compatible with vehicles because, they don’t use enough of our fossil fuels. Aren’t they aware of our total dependency on oil products and how our wealthiest corporations depend on us to use it not only for transportation, but for recreation, lawn care. Hell it’s got so many uses, I can’t think of anything that isn’t using a fossil fuel, except one in mind, Bikes!
     Here we are in American struggling with an economy that is stalled and needs everyones participation to get it up and running like before. Then I see these bicyclist on our roads riding for free, not helping the huge corporations get their needed profits and I think to myself, we need to tax the hell out of ’em’!  But there’s no way to tax them enough to justify their existence on the roads we use with ALL of our fossil fuel using vehicles, because there isn’t enough of them.
   Another reason is, they are so distracting! Have you ever seen the asses on those bike riders, I mean the bodies of those bicyclist are worrisome to me. They’re too  damn svelte for their own good, and they know it. Realistically,  it’s very un-American too. They know the trends we are setting here for common calorie counts, higher than it’s ever been before and no other country comes close to our record breaking accomplishments! Someone on a bike, so different looking, it could cause a gosh darn accident!
 When we get back on our feet with the new economy that many feel will be led by the Right, we need to consider how dangerous it will be to have bicyclist on the road. In our near not too distant future I’m imagining a vehicle,  way larger than my current full size Hummer hammering down the road, doing the All-American  thing, fuel using, and here comes one of those free wheeling cute little bicyclist, weaving in and out of traffic like they knew what they were doing and……..CRASH!!!
  Yep, that sexy looking chick on a bike distracted me in my new Hummer and I hit a dang tree!
Now she’s giving me the nasty looks?  Go figure
Makes my blood boil!!
I really think we need more bike lanes and more driver’s education, let alone good old fashion tolerance . We have to remind ourselves there are cyclist on the road.
It’s difficult to see them when we’re in our “hurry up mode”, But it’s better to double check before merging,turning or any maneuver.
The possibility of hitting one, would change two lives,
